Dear parents and staff,
We cannot thank you all enough for the amazing outpouring of support for our Blessing Bag giving campaign! The response from the school and the parish has been phenomenal! With the collection done, we are now ready to bag all the items. We have set a date for Saturday, Nov. 21st from 9 am to 12 pm for putting the bags together. We will be doing this outside in the school parking lot and be practicing plenty of safety and distancing practices. The Knights of Columbus will be helping set up tables and lending a hand with the bagging, as well as any families from the school who would like to join us for a morning of service and fellowship. It will also be a great way for families and 5th through 8th graders to receive service hours. Below is a link to sign up if you and your family would like to help out. Thank you again for all your help and support and have a blessed weekend!
God Bless,
Mr. B.
What are Blessing Bags?