We are starting a giving campaign with the church to help those in our community who are less fortunate than we are. On Monday, Nov. 2 we will be starting to collect items to make Blessing Bags.
What are Blessing Bags?…Well, they are zip lock bags filled with food, water, clothing items, toiletries, etc. meant to be kept in your car for those times when you are driving around and come across someone who you feel could use some help. We will be collecting various items from each grade level for the next two weeks (Nov. 2 – Nov. 13).
Feel free to send donations to the school anytime during that time frame. We will have bins located around the building for drop off and I’ll be emptying them every day. Below is a break down of what each grade level is being asked to donate:
- Kinder: 30 count of gallon sized zip lock bags
- 1st-2nd: 8 oz. water bottles
- 3rd-5th: individually wrapped snack type items (i.e. chips, granola bars, peanut butter crackers, fruit snacks, etc.)
- 6th-8th: individually wrapped protein type food items (i.e. pouches of tuna, beef jerky, small cups of peanut butter, etc.)
- Parishioners: toiletries and clothing items
On Saturday, Nov. 21 we will be bagging the donated items and getting them to the students so they can take them home on Tuesday, Nov. 24. Our goal is to receive enough donated items to fill 5 blessing bags for each family. With the help of both our school and parish communities, I believe we will be able to reach that goal.
Your generous participation in this campaign is greatly appreciated and we look forward to using the time, treasure, and talents that God has blessed us with to help those who are in most need during these difficult times.
Thank you in advance for your time and willingness to help out with this cause!
God Bless,
Brian Balaskovits (Mr. B.)
John 4:19 Our love for others is our grateful response to the love God first demonstrated to us.