After School Care

Welcome to the After School Care Program (ASC) at the School of Saint Mary!  Please contact us at [email protected] for more information.

ASC Hours


General Information

● No cell phone use during ASC unless the child asks for permission to call a parent or guardian.
● Electronics such as iPads or laptops are allowed only to assist the child in completing homework assignments. Enrichment or outdoor activity time will be no electronic zones.
● Please ensure your child has proper clothing for outdoor play such as jackets or sweaters during cold weather or proper shorts for girls for warmer weather in the case they want to take off their jumper.
● Please ensure that all belongings are marked with your child’s name. Any item left behind will be taken to the school lost and found.
● If your child has an on-campus activity after school, please notify ASC in advance via email or signed physical note of their schedule so we are aware where they need to be or if they will be arriving at a later time to ASC.
● Please give a 24 hour notice for occasional “drop in” students so we can properly plan for enrichment activities. Drop-ins MUST have all pertinent information on file before attending ASC. Forms are available from ASC or the school office. There is no fee to have these forms on file.
● For the safety of your child, please inform ASC in writing of any changes in persons authorized to pick them up. We will not release your child to anyone without written permission. A grade school sibling may not sign students out. No exceptions.

Safety Guidelines

● The ASC Program is designed to provide a safe environment for your child after school, therefore students will not be allowed to leave to any off campus activities while under the care of ASC.
● If a child is attending an on campus activity such as chess club, soccer or musical lesson, the child will need to be checked out and/or into ASC by the coach or sponsor. ASC is not responsible for getting them to or from the activity.
● Staffing will be a 10:1 student to staff ratio with the exception of early dismissal days.

Fee Schedule

➔ Enrollment/Enrichment Fee – $25 per child. This one time yearly fee will be charged the first time the student uses ASC, even if they are a one time drop in.

➔ $10 per hour

➔ Late fee is $1 per minute

➔Tuition will be billed monthly through the student’s FACTS account.

After School Care Rules

1. Demonstrate respect for staff and other students at all times.
2. Act and speak in a polite and respectful manner.
3. Respect the rights and property of others and of the school.
4. Enter and exit the ASC facility in an orderly manner, no running, shoving or pushing.
5. Notify ASC staff when departing.
6. At the end of activities and at the end of the day help staff clean up and put supplies
7. Please keep all belongings, such as toys or non-homework objects in your backpack.
ASC is not responsible for any lost or stolen items.
8. Children must report to ASC promptly when school is dismissed. No student may be on
campus after 3:20 pm without adult supervision. Children not picked up by 3:20 pm in
the normal school carline will be sent to ASC and will be charged accordingly.

ASC Discipline Procedure

The following steps will be taken for any infractions of School or ASC rules:
1. Talk with student
2. Time out if actions are not corrected.
3. Write up. Three write ups will result in the child being removed from the ASC program.
(*Please note, the school office will be made aware of any write-ups.)
Any violation of a rule will be handled as described below:
○ First violation – discussion with student
○ Second violation – student will have a timeout from activity
○ Third violation – student will be written up
○ Three write ups will result in suspension of the program.
*The use of this process is at the discretion of the director and principal of the school.