
School of Saint Mary Admission Policy

There shall be no discrimination in enrollment practices on the basis of color, race, national or ethnic origin, sex or disability in our school. We are a religiously oriented school for the Catholic community, but also welcome members of other denominations.

Diocesan and school admission policies shall be promulgated in writing to all parents/guardians and parishioners and included in this handbook. Every effort will be made to serve children of supporting parishioners. Cooperation of parents/guardians with the church and school is an important criterion in approving the admission and annual re-enrollment of the student.

To clarify the above statements:

  1. All students shall be admitted conditionally.
  2. No person shall be admitted as a student to the School of Saint Mary unless that child and his/her parent(s)/guardian(s) subscribe to the school’s philosophy and agree to abide by the educational policies and regulations of the school and diocese.

Please refer to the following policy:

School of Saint Mary Admission and Re-enrollment

Suitability: In order to identify the needs of an applicant for admission or of a current student seeking re-enrollment by the School of Saint Mary, new applicants and current students shall be assessed yearly prior to acceptance for admission or re-enrollment. The determination of acceptance for admission or re-enrollment to the school shall be dependent upon the suitability of the school for the applicant/student, the applicant/student for the school, and the ability of the school to meet the needs of the applicant/student. Children entering Kindergarten must be 5 years of age by September 1st.

Admission Priority: Priority admission in the School of Saint Mary will be given to active Catholic families using the following criteria:

  • Children of active parishioners of Church of Saint Mary with children currently attending School of Saint Mary
  • Children of active parishioners of Church of Saint Mary
  • Non-Catholic students with siblings currently enrolled in the School of Saint Mary
  • Catholic families who are registered in another Tulsa area parish
  • Non-Catholic students

If a tiebreaker is needed, the date the family registered in their parish will be used.

Active Parishioner: To qualify as an “Active Parishioner” and to qualify for the Active Parishioner tuition rate, an applicant’s or current student’s Family (as defined below) will be considered based upon all of the following criteria:

  1. Registered at the Church of Saint Mary*
  2. Attendance at Mass at the Church of Saint Mary on a regular basis
  3. Financial support of the Parish, commensurate with one’s ability, through the consistent use of the envelope contribution system
  4. Active participation in parish and/or school activities
  5. Certification of parishioner status by the pastor of the Church of Saint Mary through the completion of the online Active Parishioner Form (contact school office for the form).

Other factors, including length of service as an Active Parishioner, may be applied to determine order of admission and to establish an Enrollment Waiting List of applicants who have applied and been reviewed for admission but who have not yet been admitted. Note: “Family” is defined as the student, his or her brothers and/or sisters and his or her parent(s)/guardian(s). For purposes of admission and tuition policies, the fact that grandparents and/or other relatives of the student are Active Parishioners will not qualify the student for the Active Parishioner tuition rate or admission status except in extraordinary circumstances and upon application to the pastor.

If an Active Parishioner Family with more than one school age child should apply for multi-level enrollment and space is not available for each child, then those children not admitted will be placed on the Enrollment Waiting List after the names of other Active Parishioners already on that list

Re-Enrollment: Current students seeking re-enrollment must, on an annual basis, meet the Suitability and Active Parishioner criteria as outlined above.

Other: Extenuating circumstances, as determined by the principal and pastor, may result in a variance of the foregoing policy.

*A family that moves to Tulsa from out of town or transfers their membership from another Catholic Church in Tulsa will receive the Active Parishioner tuition rate, provided a letter from their previous pastor verifies their attendance, financial support, and active participation at the former Church.

Revised 10/2023